Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Well, I don't know about this...

I like Jonathan Alter, and I see the wisdom in this piece in Newsweek, but I'm not sure I'm patient enough to want to see it through.
If DeLay goes down, his shamelessness will go with him, which will make it harder to see the GOP's true agenda. Take the assault on federal judges. DeLay first asserted that they must "answer for their behavior" in the Schiavo case. His "apology" consisted of adding: "We set up the courts. We can unseat the courts. We have the power of the purse." At a recent strategy session sponsored by Tony Perkins's Family Research Council and James Dobson's Focus on the Family, discussion focused on getting rid of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which the right wing deems too liberal. Perkins and Dobson reminded the group that they need not impeach judges, they can simply defund them, as DeLay recommends.

But this smelly hypocrisy—assuming it's not found illegal—merely offends the senses. DeLay's views on muscling the judiciary and ending the separation of church and state (which he believes is a fiction) offend the Constitution. That makes it too important to leave to the media and the rest of the Washington scandal machine to remedy. This job belongs to the voters, who can hammer the Hammer by siding against his many acolytes in Congress. Let's make 2006 a referendum on the right wing. For that, DeLay must stay.

Please read the rest, either on the link or Below The Fold.

I see the wisdom in this approach, but being a vengeful sorta guy I want his ass out on the street right now. I think he would be easier to indict that way, as more people would overcome their fear of him and come forward with good scoop on his nefarious, scumbag dealings. I want to see him in Federal Prison, hopefully at Marion IL.

On the other hand, Alter is right: leave him in place to make the whole Republican dirtbag agenda more apparent to even the brain-dead Retard Right and hand 'em their ass in '06.

Oh, what to do? What to do?

Of course, a nice multi-count indictment would solve my conundrum nicely. He might even offer up some of the top brass to lighten his sentence. They might just whisk him away to Gitmo on "national security" grounds. Wouldn't that just beat all?

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