Monday, April 25, 2005

Wolcott in L.A.

James Wolcott is in L.A. for some books & authors deal at UCLA. Since I'm from L.A., and attended UCLA at one time, I read with interest. He picks right up on the important West Coast stuff, for a New Yorker.
...and fiery-haired goddess Arianna Huffington, who told me my "blowjob" post was a big hit out there. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Blowjobs, as I'm sure many of you are aware, are a vital industry in LA. High price call girls charge up to a $1,000 for the service, awarding the john afterwards with a certificate of authenticity and a cute little keychain as a parting gift. Well, you really should get something extra for spending all that money.

Shit, James, L.A. locals don't pay for 'em. They just say they work for a casting director.

Go read the post. Then scroll down one or come back and click for "An Embarrassment Of Arnolds".
The LA Times and the local news broadcasts out here (which really live down to their nitwit reputation--it's as if the anchors had the Botox injected directly into their brains) are aburst with stories about Arnold in Trouble. His poll numbers have sunk into Bush territory, the unions are running TV ads slamming the governor into the mat, and wife Maria Shriver has jumped in with both scary cheekbones to exercise damage control.

The best deadpan coverage of Arnold Deflated was provided this morning by the LA Times, which discussed fractures and friction in Schwarzenegger's political team as they fight over the oars on the lifeboat.

This is a noteworthy post because of whom the Governator had frontin' for him at a "rally".
I wonder if identifying Tom Arnold as an "actor" wasn't another subtle insertion of LA Times deadpan humor. Arnold does something on screen in The Stupids, McHale's Navy, and Soul Plane, but I'm not sure it could be characterized by even the most charitable as "acting."

One more reason to control illegal immigration. Tom Arnold only got into showbiz because he lost his Iowa meat packing job to someone who would work harder and for less money.

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