Saturday, May 28, 2005

Arbeit macht frei

Work continues on Auschwitz South's Guantanamo's death chamber. BBC via Granny:

A court and execution chamber could be built at the US detention camp in Cuba under plans being drawn up by military officials.

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Pentagon rules for the tribunals permit death sentences to be passed and the construction of a death chamber at the camp is among options being considered.

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All have been classified as "enemy combatants" and as such are not entitled to legal representation or a civil trial. [my emphasis]

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So how does this differ from Nazi Germany? Fifty years from now, are they gonna conduct tours through there like they do at the camps in Europe?

"Look to your right, ladies and gentlemen," the guide says. "In this building, several hundred Islamic insurgents were put to death, though their trials were secret and no credible intelligence was ever gleaned from them. Those were the bad old days, we call it 'The Time of Fear' now, when the Americans feared and distrusted anyone different from them. Thankfully, since we moved to a world government, people are not judged by the color of their skin or their religious orientation anymore. Most of you are too young to remember when the Chief Executive of the Planet Earth signed the Anti-discrimination Decree of 2011 to undo the damage of the final American Presidential administration. On an optimistic note, former U.S. President George W. Bush passed away last week, a month short of his 95th birthday, after a brief illness. Earth Guard commanders at the Planetary Detention Facility at Leavenworth say he has been a model prisoner since being convicted of war crimes 35 years ago by the Planetary Criminal Court in The Hague. This internment camp here at Guantanamo has been preserved as a lasting reminder of his, and America's, tyranny during the early part of this century. Up ahead, you can see the field that were once unmarked graves . . ."

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