Thursday, May 26, 2005


CAIRO, Egypt May 24, 2005 — Al-Qaida's branch in Iraq, blamed for numerous terror attacks on U.S. and Iraqi targets, said Tuesday in an Internet posting that its leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, had been wounded and called on supporters to pray for his recovery. The posting's authenticity could not be verified, but it was posted on a Web site known for carrying prior statements by al-Qaida in Iraq and other militant groups.

[. . .]

So fucking what? Is he in U.S. custody? No. Is he in anybody's custody? No. So, this is the same situation as the one with Osama. We've wasted how many lives and how much money, and the most we can do is wound this fucking guy? In the meantime, we're creating more martyrs for the Jihadist cause. After close to 4 years since 9/11, the 'War on Terror' has become just as big a joke as the 'War on Drugs'. Inept assholes.

*Big Fucking Deal

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