Friday, May 6, 2005

Bomb Scare

Just so you folks don't think us hicks up hyar in the hills are behind the times, I offer this from the Sierra Sun web site:
A suspected bomb at the downtown Truckee Amtrak station was determined to be a false alarm Thursday night, but not before the historic main street area was evacuated for several hours.

The discovery of a black leather brief case placed near a gas meter at the Amtrak depot on Truckee’s historic Commercial Row forced the evacuation of the area at about 5:15 p.m. and closed down the Union Pacific Railroad’s main route over the Sierra Nevada for approximately four hours.

After the Placer County Sheriff’s Office bomb squad reported to the scene at approximately 8 p.m., officers X-rayed the brief case and then fired a water cannon at it. The luggage failed to explode. Officers then opened the bag at about 9:15 p.m. to discover clothing items, according to Alex Terrazas, the Town of Truckee’s assistant to town manager.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry,” Terrazas said.

The discovery of the suspicious brief case came after Amtrak officials contacted the Town of Truckee earlier in the week during routine communications to be on the lookout for suspicious activity, Terrazas said.

It seems anymore that the latest terror weapon is the well-placed laundry bag, cleverly designed to shut down the commerce of the nation. I wonder if "leaving a suitcase full of clothes where it scares the crap out of big, tough law enforcement types and causes them to massively over-react and make everybody leave Happy Hour and call bomb dogs from miles away" is: A) a felony; B) Chargeable to the owner for law enforcement expense; or C) Covered by Homeland Security funds?

If ya wanta see the bus & train station (Truckee Intermodal Transportation Terminal - TITT) that woulda been splinters if the clothes had gone off, see the Truckee Web Cam. If it's pointed at a gas station, try again later.

If I wanted 'em to evacuate anything I'da left my laundry inside. Whee-eww!

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