Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The deal . . . again

And just when I was feeling better about this fucking compromise:

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Please. Stop. Could the Democratic 7 Dealmakers possibly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on Alpo Accounts [SSI 'private' accounts]? Am I really ever going to have to watch Whiney Joe [Lieberman] sell FDR's legacy down the river so Bush can plant another fat wet kiss on his tiny little head? Oh nooooooooooooo....

When your enemy's drowning, throw him an anvil! With Bush, that's the responsible thing to do!

[. . .]

This is what worries me. I have problems making deals with criminals because:

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Well, one thing we know: Never give Bush the benefit of the doubt. He will certainly fuck us, and in an uglier and more damaging way that we can possibly imagine (no matter how hard we try).

[. . .]

And then the Sister posts this:

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What a piece of work. Once again we see why the Dems shouldn’t ever, ever bother trying to compromise with the unmitigated pricks that are currently running the GOP.

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My deal is, when the Repubs are willing to compromise, they generally have something more distasteful coming down the pike.

Update: 06:00:

WMD sees the same thing:

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Why is it that our Democratic 'leadership' doesn't seem to get the obvious point that Republicans don't operate in 'good faith'? They'll take the concession and then use it as a step to the next set of concessions. For references, see votes on the Patriot Act and the leverage gained from Kerry's votes for/against war funding.

[. . .]

Okay, off to the shop. I'll probably be bitching about this a little more later, after everybody starts hedging and spinning through the news cycle.

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