Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The deal

Kevin Drum has details:

NUCLEAR OPTION UPDATE....I guess I'm puzzled. A bipartisan group of 14 senators has agreed to a last-minute compromise that will avert Bill Frist's attempt to end judicial filibusters for good, but the text of the deal only mentions five nominees. The group agreed to invoke cloture for three of the filibustered nominees (Brown, Owen, and Pryor), which means they'll be confirmed, and made "no commitment" on two of the nominees (Myers and Saad), which presumably means at least a few of the Democrats will agree to continue filibustering them and their nominations are dead.

[. . .]

I don't know, sounds like the Munich Pact to me.

Update: 04:45:

The Sister has examples of the Freepers freaking out over this. Ha! Pam goes there too.

My own opinion on this is that there should have been no deal, period. We should have pushed the issue and seen where the chips fell. I think they would have come down squarely on our side.

Jane sees it another way:

I'm quite a bit to the left of Harry Reid on almost everything and I'm not a member of his cheering section when it comes to ideology, but like many others I've admired the leadership he's shown being outnumbered in the Senate by 10 members. And you can call me a sell-out if you want, but when push comes to shove I am pretty much of a pragmatist and I think the current compromise on judicial nominees was a smart move for the following reasons:

[. . .]

Of course, she's a bit more level headed than I.

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