Sunday, May 29, 2005

Democracy marches on . . .

Via Roxanne:

LONDON, May 30 (Reuters) - Women are raped, murdered and abused with impunity all over Afghanistan despite the overthrow of the Taliban that was supposed to have ushered in a new era of rights for women, Amnesty International said on Monday.

[. . .]

"Throughout the country, few women are exempt from violence or safe from the threat of it," Amnesty said in a report based on extensive interviews in Afghanistan.

"Husbands, brothers and fathers remain the main perpetrators of violence in the home but the social control and the power that they exercise is reinforced by both state authorities and informal justice systems," it added.

[. . .]

If we would have put half the troops on the ground in Afghanistan that we have in Iraq, a lot of this wouldn't go on. What in Hell was Laura doing there last week, kvelling over how good women have it there? Ladies, if you let the American Taliban push their agenda here, you'll end up being treated the same way.

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