Sunday, May 22, 2005

God's plan

The Sister calls it . . . dead on:

[. . .]

Well, you know what? We are meant to be literate. We are meant to be able to communicate using an agreed-upon set of grammar rules and spelling. Failure to learn the language beyond its most basic applications, leaving one barely capable of stuttering out a marginally understandable thought now and then, is ridiculous, and it does make one inferior to the vast swath of adults who are able to function at a level higher than that of a drooling moron.

If you don’t like the plain old simple fact that there are those who are superior to you because they use their intellect for more than fashioning bongs out of household items, then pick up a fucking book, you knob-ends! And if you can’t tear yourself away from the television for two bloody seconds to try reading, then wean yourself off NASCAR races and re-runs of the Jeff Foxworthy show by changing the channel to PBS or Discovery or C-SPAN once in awhile!

Good lord. Free education for every American, and this is what we’re churning out? Pitiful.

[. . .]

Now, I've fashioned bongs from just about everything, but I can speak with you on everything from quantum physics to NASCAR. Education is liberation, and knowledge is power. Now you see why the fundie preachers would rather you went to church than the library. And they've been doing it forever. (See my post below) If you want your kids to have a religious education, send 'em to the Jesuits.

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