Saturday, May 21, 2005


One more example of Wingnut stupidity run rampant:

Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. vetoed a bill yesterday that would have granted rights to gay partners who register with the state, concluding after weeks of intense deliberations that the legislation threatened "the sanctity of traditional marriage."

[. . .]

Oy, please.

[. . .]

Ehrlich's decision to side, almost without exception, with business interests and social conservatives surprised some analysts, who thought he might try to burnish his credentials as a moderate by allowing some of the session's more controversial bills to become law.

Most of the legislation vetoed yesterday had been strongly opposed by Republican lawmakers. But Ehrlich's appeal to swing voters was key to his 2002 election in a state where registered Democrats still hold a nearly 2-to-1 advantage.

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Okay, so your own party doesn't agree with you and most of your constituency surely doesn't. Didn't you ever hear of the term, 'of the people, by the people, and for the people'?

[. . .]

Ehrlich said in a statement that his office's review of the bills had been "both thoughtful and deliberative" and that he was "confident that decisions made today are in the best interest of good policy, sound government and fiscal responsibility for Maryland's citizens." [my emphases]

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Yeah, he thought about how the bills would hurt his cronies and deliberated the loss to his reelection funding if he didn't kill them. Welcome to the Fundamentalist States of America.

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