Monday, May 23, 2005

The Rumsfeld Stain

Bob Herbert in today's NYTimes has a good piece on how come that asshole is still in charge of DOD. This sums it up, I think:
Potential recruits are staying away from the armed forces in droves. Most Americans want no part of the administration's hapless venture in Iraq. A woman in Connecticut with two college-age sons said to me recently: "My boys should die in Baghdad? For what?"

For the glorification and self-aggrandizement of some truly evil people with delusions of grandeur and no particular care for America or your son except as a rented expendable tool, lady.
Neither the troops nor the American public signed on for a war in Iraq that would last many years. And I can't believe there are many Americans who wanted their military sullied by the wanton behavior of the torture crowd.

The troops who do their jobs honestly and diligently, and who fight bravely when they have to, have been betrayed by leaders who encouraged abusive behavior and allowed atrocities to flourish.

Mr. Rumsfeld has driven the military into a ruinous quagmire, and there is no evidence at all that he's capable of finding a serviceable route out.

He just keeps diggin' the hole, the son of a bitch.

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