Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Senate's Real Leader

From David Broder in today's WaPo:
The Monday night agreement to avert a showdown vote over judicial filibusters not only spared the Senate from a potentially ruinous clash, but also certified John McCain as the real leader of that body.

In contrast to Majority Leader Bill Frist, who was unable to negotiate a compromise with Minority Leader Harry Reid or hold his Republicans in line to clear the way for all of President Bush's nominees to be confirmed, McCain looks like the man who achieved his objectives.

If -- as many expect -- McCain and Frist find themselves rivals for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, the gap in their performance will be remembered

This is good, in my opinion. Despite the fact that McCain sold his soul to the Devil, he's still twice the man Frist is, and not a religious zealot. What happens in '08 is anybody's guess at this point.

Hey, the only dick he ever sucked was Bush's, and that's probably about like cleaning your teeth with a toothpick anyway.

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