Friday, May 27, 2005


WASHINGTON May 26, 2005 — Democrats forced the Senate to put off a final vote Thursday on John R. Bolton's nomination to be U.N. ambassador, the latest setback for the tough-talking nominee President Bush has called strong medicine for corruption and inefficiency at the United Nations.

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The dramatic roll call underscored that, despite the compromise the two parties' centrists forged just days ago in a bitter dispute over judicial nominees, most senators still had a taste for partisan confrontation over a polarizing figure like Bolton.

It also raised questions about Bush's ability to win confirmation of some of his more ideological appointees as he begins his second term in the White House. And it was a setback for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., who was hoping to end nearly three months of delays and investigation and finally deliver Bolton's nomination for the president.

It's coming apart, boys and girls. The Dems are finally growing some sack. It's good to see. This is how you deal with bullies who are all flash and little substance. You get in their face and dare 'em to call you out. 9 times out of 10, they'll back down and crawl away. You know what we call 'em in NYC? Loosahs.

Reminds me of a story of when I was bouncing at the Oak Beach Inn/South [Pay attention, Mr. Heretik]. Had some muscle-bound IROC (Italian Retard Out Cruising) in there one night, bothering most of the women. A couple girls gave me the heads up.

I grab him by the arm and say, "Hey, pal, why don't you lighten up?"

Reply: "Fuck you or I'll kick your ass."

"I'll set you in the parking lot if you don't calm down," I say. "Everybody's having a good time, you don't need a fight on your hands."

Him, puffing out his chest at me: "I don't need to fight." In other words, not many people have the balls to fuck with him.

Me: "Well ya do this time." One shot to the jaw knocked him clean out. Then I made his buddies carry him out to his car. I got a standing-O from the women present.

Moral: Stand up to bullies. They ain't as tough as they say they are.

Thanks to Lambert for the link

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