Thursday, May 5, 2005

Spend, spend, spend

Washington - The House on Wednesday approved an $81.4 billion emergency spending package for combat and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan, which would push the total cost of the wars beyond $300 billion.

By a 388-43 vote, the House gave President Bush most of the money he had requested, with strong support from both Republicans and Democrats. The Senate will consider its version in April.

The legislation is the fifth emergency spending plan Bush has sent to Congress for wars since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It provides $76.8 billion for defense-related expenses and, overall, is roughly $500 million less than the president's request. [my emphases]

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But we have to cut taxes for the rich folks too. And we have to pass an energy bill that gives the oil companies billions in tax breaks. Yet we underfund No Child Left Behind by 24 Billion. I'm getting sick of carrying the water for these assholes.

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