Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Suck my ass

You wingnut, Jesus-freak assholes.

Donald and Tim Wildmon's AmTaliban American Family Association couldn't succeed with a Disney boycott, so now they are refocusing that message of intolerance and wingnuttery -- and going after Ford.

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My boys at Ford:

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At Ford Motor Company we recognize that diversity is not only a reality of our global nature, it’s a distinct advantage, and one that we value and embrace. We also know that we can only leverage the benefits of diversity by understanding and respecting the differences among all employees.

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Pam has all the details. I'm proud to say I worked for Ford Motor Company as an engine builder for Motorsport Division. It was a great place to work and diversity was encouraged. Good on 'em for having the balls to stand up to these dingbats.

"Unity through Diversity" - The House of Blues

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