Saturday, May 7, 2005

Thanks a lot

Now shut the fuck up. Via Skippy, vets write letters to our leaders:

my husband, ramey evans, jr. passed away a few weeks ago knowing what the government thought about him and his service in the korean war. he was denied enrollment because he had saved a little too much money to live on in his retirement years, along with his social security. it didn't matter that he had earned the right to have help with his medicine, he didn't get it. he put off going to the va for help because he would have to travel so far. . .

dear mrs. bush, i have written to your husband regarding this issue but also wanted to write you. given that you are a mother you will probably be more sympathetic to my particular situation and the impact that insufficient va funding has on it. i have 2 children, a 9 year-old daughter a a 15 month-old son. i have a service-connected disability, my back, and have had great difficulty in receiving treatment. the va doctors tell me things like "don't pick up your child". Iim sure you can realize that as a mother it is literally impossible not to pick up a baby. since an injury in january my back has been very bad. it took me until monday, may 2,05 to get the va to do a ct scan. this scan shows that i have a significant bulge on one of my discs. i believe that it has taken so long to get any progress on treatment because the va finds itself out of money. . .

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