Sunday, May 22, 2005

To my Jewish friends

I have many, as well as relations by marriage. Believe it or not, some are Republicans, supporters of Bush and Sharon's vision. It is to you whom I speak.

Open your fucking eyes!!!! Don't you see what's happening here? They are marginalizing the gays, marginalizing the Liberals, marginalizing anyone who doesn't agree with the party line. How long before they start marginalizing you? I mean come on. Don't you listen at Passover? You people have been fucked with for 5000 years for cryin' out loud. When it comes time to proclaim scapegoats, you folks are at the top of the list. Remember the Pharaohs? The Spanish Inquisition? Hitler, maybe? Shit, even the blacks haven't been as persecuted as you have. What makes you think the Repubs won't blame all of you when the economy tanks. I mean, the 'base' all believe you're a bunch of hook-nosed money-lenders anyway. If you don't think that is how the Angry White Christain Bigot Party looks at you, you've got your heads in the sand. Take a trip to Jesusland and proclaim your Jewishness. Tell me how tolerant the good Christians are then. Take a trip to the Air Force Academy and ask the Jewish cadets about the shit they have to deal with from their Christian colleagues. Thanks to your Republican leanings, you'll be some of the last into the camps, but you'll be there, right along with the rest of us who aren't 'God's Chosen'.

Update: To gay Republicans and black Republicans, you're in the same boat.

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