Monday, May 30, 2005

We got 'em too

Jesusland doesn't have a monopoly on morons.

(New York-WABC, May 30, 2005) - A Dix Hills man was charged for allegedly letting two 50-pound leopards run around his house endangering his four children.

Thirty-four-year-old Anthony Barone, was arrested after Suffolk County police were called by his battered wife to their 601 Caledonia Road home .

Officials tell Eyewitness News, the 32-year-old wife told them that Barone had repeatedly punched and kicked her, breaking her nose. After allegedly assaulting her, he chained her to a downstairs wall for several hours.

[. . .]

Whaddaya mean I can't kill her? She's my wife, ain't she? This mental midget lives about a mile from me.

Update: 12:20:

It must be Moron Day. Lambert finds another:

GENEVA, Ill. A 46-year-old man allegedly set his own home on fire in order to get two visitors to leave, police said.
(via AP)

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