Sunday, May 22, 2005


From Christine:

A girl in Alabama was not allowed to participate in her high school graduation because she was pregnant. She completed all of her course work at home and was eligible to graduate and receive her diploma. Her name was not even printed in the graduation program.

[. . .]

Now, instead of making mention of this girl because she was able, and willing, to finish her studies after getting pregnant, they treat her as a fucking harlot. These are your 'Good Christians' of Jesusland. See my post below. How does this look to other young girls who want an education but fear persecution of this sort because they're pregnant and single? I'm sure it will discourage more than a few. Of course, the old conservative double standard still applies:

[. . .]

Not only that, the father of the baby was in her graduating class and did participate in the ceremony.

[. . .]

*What would Jesus say?

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