Friday, May 27, 2005

Yippy Skippy F**k!

OK, maybe I'm slightly over-exuberant, but this is good news. From the Houston Chronicle:
AUSTIN - A judge ruled Thursday that the treasurer of a political committee founded by U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay violated state campaign-finance laws by not reporting more than $500,000 in corporate money used to influence Texas House elections.

Though state District Judge Joe Hart did not specifically rule on whether the money was raised and spent illegally, he declared it was all campaign money. Texas law bans the use of corporate or labor-union money to influence votes in state races.

Hart's ruling against Bill Ceverha immediately prompted calls from DeLay opponents — including former U.S. Rep. Chris Bell, D-Houston, and advocacy groups in Austin and Washington — for an expanded investigation into DeLay's activities by the U.S. House Ethics Committee.

Texans for Public Justice in Austin and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington also called for new investigations into DeLay's role in the corporate fund-raising.

"The House Ethics Committee has run out of excuses for avoiding an investigation into Rep. DeLay's involvement with TRMPAC," said Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW.

A spokesman for the House Ethics Committee did not return calls for comment.

Like, duh.
Sloan said DeLay engaged in a "conspiracy to violate" Texas campaign laws "in order to gerrymander Texas congressional districts."

Craig McDonald, executive director of Texans for Public Justice, said Hart's ruling shows that further federal investigation of DeLay is needed.

"It's very bad news for Tom DeLay," McDonald said. "We think it shows the need for an independent counsel to investigate this matter and other matters involving DeLay in Washington."

Public Citizen called for DeLay to resign.

"It is clear that (DeLay) has abused the public trust and is unfit to lead. He should step down from his leadership post immediately," said Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook.

That is a big change from a political hack like Claybrook, former director of NHTSA and the impetus behind the "Backward Bike", but that's another story.

A little butter and jam on DeLay? I'm aroused!

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