Tuesday, June 7, 2005



(New York-WABC, June 6, 2005) - A warning for millions of customers of CitiFinancial - an affiliate of Citibank - your personal and financial information is missing. Computer tapes were lost by UPS during shipment - tapes that contain account numbers and social security numbers.

[. . .]

And last year:

(TOKYO, March 19 2004 Reuters) - The Japanese banking unit of U.S. financial giant Citigroup (C,Trade) said on Friday that a magnetic tape containing information on over 120,000 of its customer accounts had gone missing in Singapore. The back-up tape, which had monthly transaction data on 123,690 Citibank customer accounts in Japan, went missing on February 21 while a local security company was transporting it, the Japanese unit of Citibank NA said in a statement.

[. . .]

And this is just Citicorp. It's time for some Draconian punishments for these corporations who treat our confidential info like old, used toilet paper. The loss of personal info can totally disrupt someone's life and these companies should be forced to improve their computer security. As of now, all they do is shrug and say 'oops'. Horseshit.

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