Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Articles of Impeachment

From the Smirking Chimp:

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This is not simply a question of giving or withholding the benefit of the doubt when it comes to complicated matters of foreign affairs and defense policies to a U.S. government charged with the security of both its own citizens and those of its allies in Europe, the Western Hemisphere, and the Pacific. Rather, the Bush Jr. administration's foreign policies represent a gross deviation from those basic rules of international deportment and civilized behavior that the United States government had traditionally played the pioneer role in promoting for the entire world community. Even more seriously, in many instances specific components of the Bush Jr. administration's foreign policies constitute ongoing criminal activity under well-recognized principles of both international law and U.S. domestic law, and in particular the Nuremberg Charter, the Nuremberg Judgment, and the Nuremberg Principles.

Depending upon the substantive issues involved, those international crimes typically include but are not limited to the Nuremberg offenses of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as well as grave breaches of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1907 Hague Regulations on land warfare, torture, disappearances, and assassinations. [my emphases]

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That's what I want from the DSM and all we've done to get it noticed. I want Articles of Impeachment put forth. I want criminal prosecutions of the players in this administration and then I want new campaign finance regulations, so candidates aren't beholden to special interest. I want safeguards to make sure criminals never again usurp the leadership of this great nation. I want us to respect the principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, not just for our fellow Americans, but for all the peoples of the world.

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