Thursday, June 16, 2005

Book meme

My dad was good for adivce, though the only time I really listened was with regard to women. What? I have my priorities and being in the good graces of beautiful women were at the top for a long time, until I found the perfect one 15 years ago. But I digress. His last piece of advice to me before I left for the Air Force was 'don't volunteer for anything'. 25 years later, it still hasn't sunk in. So what do I do the other day? I let the Old White Lady talk me into volunteering to do the meme at her blog. Today I was tagged by Pudentilla. (See what I mean about the women?) They're a little different so I combined 'em.

1. Number of books you own:
Literally thousands.
2. Last book bought:
John Adams for me.
Living History Hillary's book, for the Mrs.
3. Last book I read:
John Adams
3a. Last book I read for the first time:
John Adams
3b. Comfort reading:
Anything by Stuart Woods, especially the Stone Barrington series. Isaac Asimov's robot stories. Douglas Adams' Hitchiker series.
4. Five books that mean a lot to me:
Foundation for teaching me how to dream on a large scale.
Johnny Got His Gun for teaching me combat wasn't about glory.
The Art of War for making me a better warrior and a better man.
Marco Polo for giving me the urge to see the world.
Johnathan Livingston Seagull for showing me the power of hope and determination.
Honorable mention: Special Operations by yours truly. It was my first.

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