Friday, June 3, 2005

Booze and whores

Harry and I were talking today. For those who don't know, Harry's my boss, also one of my oldest and closest friends. He's ex-Air Force too, did his time in Thailand in the mid-Sixties as a B-B counter [bomb loader]. He, like me, is convinced we're gonna get called back in. He's happy because they're gonna take me first.

Anyway, we swap war stories constantly, generally about the business girls and bars we knew in the Far East. There are two or three we have both been in [bars, not business girls, although there was this one old one on Okinawa . . .] though our dates of service are 20 years apart. We also generally agree that some of our fondest memories of our military service involve one or both [bars and business girls], preferably both at the same time.

So today we got to thinking. If they did call us back, we'd probably go somewhere in the Mid-East. We then got to thinking about, you guessed it, bars and business girls in the region. Bars? None, not in an Islamic society. Black Market? Mortgage the house and maybe get arrested and thrown in the stockade. Business girls? We're both happily married.

If we get called back, Harry and I are moving to Canada.

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