Sunday, June 19, 2005

Crafting the 'Strategic Lie'

Dave Johnson is one of my favorites. The man would have done well in the courts of Europe where they did intrigue with the best of them. He has a bullshit detector par excellence. Today he looks at how the Repubs and their Noise Network takes Dem words and spins them into a believable meme:

Sometimes you have an opportunity to study a lie. The Right's current smear-lie about Senator Durbin is an example. (Also here and here). We can look at what he said, and we can look at what the Right is SAYING he said, and compare them . . .

[. . .]

But it is more than just a lie, it is a strategic lie. It is a lie designed to trick Americans into believing something that is strategically convenient to the Right. This lie is being used to reinforce an ongoing strategic narrative that Democrats "hate America" and "hate the military."

[. . .]

And thanks to the corporate media, the bullshit gets spread far and wide.

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