Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Don't be fooled

For the moment, what should be considered a clear sign of tactical political failure by the Right, is when they need to manufacture outrage over the Dems' alleged refusal to negotiate, after an unsuccessful attempt to previously steamroll them on the very same issue. The demise of the linchpin of Bush's second term agenda will rightfully serve as the precedent for TCF's theory, as the word on Capitol Hill is that Congressional Republicans are looking for a Social Security 'exit strategy'.

And, for rightfully suspicious Lefty lurkers wary of seemingly harmless foliage in the outstretched hand of a Conservative foe, a call for a destructive rhetorical cease-fire over Iraq by Rush Limbaugh is neither a capitulation nor a sincere act of patriotism.

[. . .]

TCF speaks volumes to the Right's sudden amiability to compromise. Remember, when an animal is wounded is when he's the most dangerous.

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