Sunday, June 19, 2005

DSM Update/60 Minutes SNAFU

Who else?:

The All Spin Zone reports that the rightwingers next attempt at discrediting the information in the Downing Street Documents is to declare the entire lot fakes. An interesting midstream change in direction, considering that thus far their line has been that the memos contain "no new information." Why someone would go to the trouble of creating documents out of thin air to report old news is beyond me. In any case, I'll turn it over to Kevin Drum, who handily dismisses the charges:

[. . .]

So they're trying to do to us what they did to the 60 Minutes bunch. Thing is, the 60 Minutes piece was based on fake documents . . . supposedly. We're standing on firm ground here folks, with a good field of fire. Let's not give any of it up.

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