Monday, June 13, 2005

Ein Goldener Stern*

I just don't know what to say. Via Glen:

(New York City) The leader of a conservative Christian lobby group says that gays should be required to wear warning labels.

"We put warning labels on cigarette packs because we know that smoking takes one to two years off the average life span, yet we 'celebrate' a lifestyle that we know spreads every kind of sexually transmitted disease and takes at least 20 years off the average life span according to the 2005 issue of the revered scientific journal Psychological Reports," said Rev. Bill Banuchi, executive director of the New York Christian Coalition.

[. . .]

Rev. Banuchi should be sodomized with a telephone pole. I'm sure Jesus would agree.

Update: 14:30:

Christine has her own warning labels we should attach to some people.

*A Gold Star.

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