Monday, June 13, 2005

Follow-up on Kerry.

Since Jacko's verdict, today has returned to being a slow news day (definition: when everybody else pounces on all the good shit and absolves me from any work other than rapidly clicking on Fixer's ads, thank you all!), I got time for a little F.U. on Fixer's posts, here and here. From Keith Olbermann, the funniest guy on MSNBC. He also sometimes brings up stuff before anyone else.
Blogs and websites pulsated with the news: Kerry was going to call for the impeachment of President Bush! My inbox pulsated with the missives of angry conservatives ("you're covering up Kerry's traitorous comment") and angry liberals ("corporate lapdog! Why didn't you cover this? Do your job!").
The Senator's office told "Countdown" last night that he never said anything about impeachment and asked our reporter where he'd read that line. The answer was: the websites of NewsMax and Al-Jazeera.

The story originated - on Al-Jazeera.

The New Bedford newspaper story, exactly 746 words long, literally does not include the words impeach, or impeachment.

If this detail is still relevant in these super-heated political times, the story is not true. But at places as disparate as Al-Jazeera and NewsMax, they wanted it to be.
I wanted Kerry to finally do something worthwhile. Wish in one hand, shit in the other...

I guess I wasn't the only one indulging in a little wishful thinking. I hope that helps clear it up.

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