Saturday, June 18, 2005

Good reads

The King and Orcinus have excellent posts about the Repub spin machine and the latest froth thanks to the Democrats showing some sack this week. Both definite must-reads.

King of Zembla:

Today we see a similar sort of lexical rehabilitation at work in the increasingly frequent use by Republicans and their apologists of the word "treason." To understand "treason" in its modern sense, certain principles must be assumed:


The frenzy is reaching ugly proportions very rapidly. And don't think for a minute that they'll stop with Durbin.

We hurt them this week. We showed we will stand up (thank you again Rep. Conyers and the other Democrats who showed your support. Was anyone from the Senate present? Doubtful.) and engage those who would keep us silent. It will get worse, ladies and gents, and in the coming months we're gonna have to show some intestinal fortitude. They will try to marginalize us and we will have to scream louder.

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