Thursday, June 2, 2005


Or the lack of it. London's Financial Times does a piece on how the U.S. is losing control of their Iraqi puppets allies.

[. . .]

In the more sombre assessment of others in the administration, however, the US has long lost its grip on Iraq's political process. "We are losing control," said one veteran Arabist in the administration who requested anonymity.

[. . .]

Geoff Porter, analyst with the Eurasia Group consultancy, said US interests had been "stymied on most fronts", with US officials frustrated with, and ignorant of, Iraq's fractious politics. "There is an air of resignation, with people throwing up their hands that this will be a long-term process."

[. . .]

So, another part of this fiasco gone to shit. The Bush administration can't even get the underhanded shit right. I mean, you take over a country less than half your size, with the greatest, best trained military in the world, and you can't even install a puppet democratic government you can control? Did anything go right in Iraq, you murderous, inept fools?

Thanks to the Wankers for the link.

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