Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I told ya

I said this a year ago. The U.S. ain't gonna let Saddam stand trial. He knows too much about our involvement in the Iran/Iraq War (Who do you think gave Saddam the WMD to kill the Iranians?) and the gassing of all those Kurds.

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Iraqi's justice minister said today that U.S. officials are trying to delay interrogations of Saddam Hussein.

Justice Minister Abdel Hussein Shandal, in Brussels for an international conference on Iraq, also accused the U.S. of concealing information about the ousted Iraqi leader.

"It seems there are lots of secrets they want to hide,'' he told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview.

Shandal also said Saddam's trial would be over by the end of the year.

American officials have privately urged caution about rushing into a trial, saying the Iraqis need to developed a solid judicial system. They also worry it could interfere with the important constitution writing process and inflame sectarian tensions.

[. . .]

How much you wanna bet Saddam dies in a 'rescue' attempt by 'insurgent forces' just before his trial?

Link via Maru.

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