Saturday, June 11, 2005


Via Laura Rozen:


EDITOR OF CLIMATE REPORTS RESIGNS Philip A. Cooney, chief of staff to President Bush's Council on Environmental Quality, has resigned, White House officials said. Mr. Cooney's resignation came two days after documents revealed that he had edited government climate reports in ways that cast doubt on the link between greenhouse-gas emissions and rising temperatures. Mr. Cooney has no scientific training. Dana Perino, a deputy White House press secretary, said the decision was unrelated to revelations about the documents. Mr. Cooney did not respond to e-mail or phone messages left at his home. Andrew C. Revkin (NYT) [my emphases]

I've been looking for this link for a couple days. I can't believe this is the only article that mentions it. Another example of Chimpy Inc 'fixing the facts around the policy'.

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