Monday, June 20, 2005

More On Unreported Casualties

Following up on Fixer's post, "Nightmares", maybe not so much. From Daily Kos via Grannyinsanity.
My friend Rob emailed regarding yesterdays post about thousands of unreport GI deaths. These people have already been researching these numbers EVERY DAY since the war. I think their reponse is important for everyone to read. Some choice excerpts:

"In a word ... NO ... I do not believe such a discrepancy is even remotely possible."

"We have thousands upon thousands of eyes out there watching that list. We aren't missing thousands of names.

The last thing to consider is this: the Bush administration isn't GOOD ENOUGH to hide that many deaths. They haven't managed to hide Halliburton's over-runs. They haven't managed to hide the troop equipment shortages. And they haven't managed to hide their own ineptness in the whole occupation. Somehow the truth has a way of seeping out between the cracks."
This appears to be a cruel hoax. I can't imagine why anyone would want to add further grief to the families and loved ones of our slain troops, but I got a little message for 'em: STOP IT! Look, we all hate Bush and his criminal war. We all know this administration is totally incompetent and would lie about the color of its socks. That's no reason to stoop to their level and pull a bullshit scam that doesn't do anybody any good.

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