Saturday, June 4, 2005


WASHINGTON -- Online political activists want the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to stay cool when considering proposed rules that some fear will chill online political debate, particularly in the blogosphere.

The FEC agrees, but the courts do not.

Faced with a mandate from a federal court to extend some aspects of campaign finance laws to include the Internet, the FEC finds itself in the awkward position of proposing rules it didn't want to write in the first place.

[. . .]

Firstly, let me go on the record that anyone who wants to curtail my speech (and that of my blog partners) here can kiss my white ass. I will not shut up, will not back down, will not bend to pressure; I don't care who is applying it. You might as well put a sniper on my neighbor's roof, because that's the only way you'll get me to stop. End of story.

Secondly, there are a lot of people (mostly Lefty bloggers, mostly the big ones who are making their living from their blogs. You know who you are. The same ones who wouldn't even give the Big Brass Alliance or Downing Street a mention. Are you jealous of the Sister?) worrying about this. To them I say, grow some balls, will ya? Fuck mobilizing your lawyers, you big bunch of pussies.

Stand up and give the people proposing this legislation the finger and remind them this is still America for crying out loud. What, are you afraid of upsetting your apple cart? You all talk about how the Repubs are curtailing freedom, yet you get all mealy-mouthed when it affects you and your little lemonade stands of opinion on the Web. Maybe you've been in your high exalted position a bit too long and gotten used to being the Masters of Opinion on the Left. As always, power corrupts.

It's also why I don't peddle my books here or ask for money to help run this site. Like I always say, my reputation for integrity means everything to me and I'll be damned if anyone can suggest I'm in someone's pocket or using my site as income. Go check my closets, motherfuckers. All my skeletons are out in the open.

So, in closing, I have two things to say. To the government and those who want to legislate me out of the process I say FUCK YOU. Come get me, bitches. To those on our side who suddenly seem to have rubber spines I say, lead, follow, or get out of the way. You're slowing men (and women, you PC busybodies) of action down.

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