Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Repub dirty tricks

A roadblock, not much of one but expected. From Freiheit und Wissen:

Last Friday Republican House Judiciary Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner shut off the microphones of Democrats during a hearing for the Patriot Act. Sensenbrenner then picked up the gavel and stormed out of the room. This sudden move was directed in particular at Representative John Conyers who wanted to call the Chair of the Board of Amnesty International to testify.

Now today a report has surfaced that Sensenbrenner has denied Conyers space on the Hill in which to conduct the hearings for the Downing Street memo on Thursday - hearings that the After Downing Street Campaign has been waiting for with bated breath. Indeed, it seems that Conyers has been forced to move the hearings off site, to the DNC.

I suppose it should come as no surprise that Sensenbrenner would exercise his authority with such a vindictive and pugnacious spirit. After all, the Representative from Wisconsin has been at the forefront of efforts by Christian fundamentalists to lay siege on America's courts.

[. . .]

Did ya ever see someone getting chased on foot? As they run, they toss shit in the path behind them to slow down their pursuers. That's what the Repubs are doing. They're running, they're scared, and they're throwing crap in our way. We'll get by it and we'll win.

You know, something springs to mind. If we have any legal weenies among the readership, maybe you can answer me this. Do we have any legal recourse here? Can we file suit against the Repubs for something? Maybe like 'blocking the process', or 'willful subversion of the Constitution', or something like that? I don't know shit about this part of the law (not the Mrs' specialty), and you know me. I generally say, 'to Hell with lawyers, have some of the F-man's justice', but I'm looking at keeping the body count to a minimum. Let me know if I'm pissing in the wind here or am I on to something?

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