Friday, June 10, 2005

Shit does happen

I woke up this morning to an email from Shakespeare's Sister bringing good news.

Raw Story

The ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled hearings on the 2002 minutes between senior British and American officials which asserted that intelligence was "being fixed" to support the case for war in Iraq, RAW STORY has learned.

The hearings, which will be held next Thursday, will bring renewed attention to what is being called the "Downing Street memo," actually official minutes of a secret 2002 meeting.

Conyers office has revealed that they will introduce new documents that corroborate the Downing Street Memo at the hearings June 16.

[. . .]

We've done this, ladies and gentlemen. The hundreds of us who've banded together under the Big Brass Alliance banner and other groups who've done the same. I hope you all realize the power we have to get things done when we speak with one voice and demand action. We are powerful and we will take this nation back. We will put America back on the right track.

But we still have a lot of work to do. We have to give our reps support in the coming Repub shitstorm that will surely swamp us when the hearings start. We want to come out of this hearing with Articles of Impeachment in hand. We can do this if we continue the Swarm.

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