Thursday, June 23, 2005

You have been warned

As I said yesterday. I got proofs to go over for my publisher so my blogging will be sporadic. I stole this fully and completely from the Sister.

Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest:
Wouldn't it be interesting if it turned out that one of the major players in convincing America to tie its military up in Iraq, was at the same time providing North Korea with technology to improve its missiles? (Not to mention providing NK with submarines.)

Wouldn't it be interesting if it turned out that one of the major players in convincing America to take sides in the Middle East conflict turned out to be an espionage front for that side? (See also here.)

Remember the STF rule. When Republicans accuse...

(See more accusations here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here ...)
Why, yes. It would be interesting. Though not in an especially good way.

Meanwhile, Scott Ritter suggests that the US has already begun war with Iran, in much the same way we began war with Iraq, as we're now finding out care of the Downing Street Memos:

President Bush had signed a covert finding in late spring 2002, which authorised the CIA and US Special Operations forces to dispatch clandestine units into Iraq for the purpose of removing Saddam Hussein from power.

The fact is that the Iraq war had begun by the beginning of summer 2002, if not earlier.

[. . .]

It represents a record of precedent on the part of the Bush administration which must be acknowledged when considering the ongoing events regarding US-Iran relations. As was the case with Iraq pre-March 2003, the Bush administration today speaks of "diplomacy" and a desire for a "peaceful" resolution to the Iranian question.

But the facts speak of another agenda, that of war and the forceful removal of the theocratic regime, currently wielding the reigns of power in Tehran.

[. . .]

The reality is that the US war with Iran has already begun. As we speak, American over flights of Iranian soil are taking place, using pilotless drones and other, more sophisticated, capabilities.

The violation of a sovereign nation's airspace is an act of war in and of itself. But the war with Iran has gone far beyond the intelligence-gathering phase.
Go read the rest. And when you're finished, check out this piece at Freiheit und Wissen that pulls in additional information (such as the military installation currently being readied in Azerbaijan, just north of Iran), and see if you aren't ready to shit your breeks at the thought of what's in store for us as regards the two remaining players in Bush's "Axis of Evil."

I also spoke of this here, here, and here. Mark my words, we won't know about Iran until it's too late.

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