Saturday, July 2, 2005

Beat 'em up

Have I said lately how much I love the Adgita Diaries? Well I do, especially when they take down a pompous blowhard like Cal Thomas so eloquently:

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Softly and safely ensconced on his dominionist church pew Thomas enlightens us about Satanic Islam: "One reason for this difficulty is that radical Islamists see the United States as un-free and in bondage to rampant sexuality, female immodesty and a general distain for God. They believe they are the free ones." Fundi jerk thy self. Thomas, looking deeply into that black hole of his soul, sure makes it simple for us to understand--its all about sex.

Wanna bet Thomas is a bad lay, reverently employing the missionary position in prayerful revulsion? And, by the way when was the last time you saw a general distain for god outside the confines of this tiny blog site? It is a minority view and probably never will get as much attention as Janet Jackson's star-spangled boob amonst the sheepful faithful, who idolize the trinity: Bush, Cheney and Rove.

[. . .]

Hit 'em again.

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