Friday, July 8, 2005

Good question

JRH asks:

[. . .]

I don't get how these right wing idiots can say with a straight face that we need to focus on who the real bad guys are instead of arguing with each other by calling out people who disagree with them. Sean Hannity did something similar on his show yesterday that I caught the end of. How do they not choke on the hypocrisy coming out of their mouths?

[. . .]

Because it keeps them their jobs, my friend. They're all part of the Republican spin machine and they'd spout their diatribe in Swahili if the WH and RNC told them to. The thing that pisses me off even more is that so many people in this country believe this shit. You know how many people I've heard in the last 36 hours say we should nuke Mecca? How many people say criticizing the 'War on Terra' is hurting our troops? And this is New York.

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