Sunday, July 3, 2005

High Crimes and Really Stupid Moves

Got this From the Wilderness while cruisin' Wolcott. This is the best article I have read to date that ties the whole Plame deal together as a teeny little part of a much larger whole. It is much, much deeper than I thought. The article is quite long, but the whole deal is very complicated and takes a lot of words to sort out. Please, please, please, pretty please with sugar, go read this one. Here's a little teaser. Did I mention I'm a bitch? Ha!
The CIA Director's job by definition, whether others like it or not, is to be able to go to his President and advise him of the real scientific data on foreign resources (especially oil); to warn him of pending instability in a country closely linked to the US economy; and to tell him what to plan for and what to promise politically in his foreign policy. In light of her position in the CIA's relationship with Saudi Aramco, the outing of Valerie Plame made much of this impossible. In short, the Bush leak threatened National Security.
These jerks are doing real damage to their masters' interests.
There are a multitude of signs that the Bush administration is being "swarmed" in what is becoming a feeding frenzy as opposition is surfacing from many places inside the government, including the military. The signs are not hard to find.
Journalist Wayne Madsen, a Washington veteran with excellent access to many sources has indicated for this story that the Neocons have few remaining friends anywhere. All of this is consistent with a CIA-led coup.
It is one of the greatest ironies of the Plame affair that the Bush administration, spawned and nurtured by oil, might have committed suicide by vindictively, cruelly and unthinkingly exacting personal retribution on an intelligence officer who had committed no offense, and who was, quite possibly, providing the administration with critical oil-related intelligence which the President needed to manage our shaky economy and affairs of state for a while longer to squeak through to re-election. In our opinion, nothing better epitomizes the true nature of the Neocons.
Please report back with comments. Here's mine: I LIKE IT!

Update: Fixer found many good links. In light of the big story this week, I especially like this one.

Not to blow our own horn, well, not too much anyway, one thing I've noticed about our hook-up is that either one of us can pour lead downrange while the other spots targets and feeds the belt.

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