Thursday, July 7, 2005

Interesting Times

By William Rivers Pitt via Truthout:

Many an ancient lord's last words have been, "You can't kill me because I've got magic aaargh." - Terry Pratchett

Maybe ten thousand times in the last few years, someone has stated with profound assurance that the Bush administration is in trouble, that the hammer is coming down, that some form of accountability is in the offing. Maybe ten thousand times, these predictions have turned out to be wrong. Nowadays, it takes a special kind of fool to think this White House can be easily cashiered for its gross violations, lies and flat-out crimes.

But it is getting awfully crowded around here. Bush's numbers are still cratering, the nation has stopped buying into the idea that he is some kind of Great Protector, the Brits are bugging out of the chaos in Iraq, Afghanistan is heating up, the Jesus Brigades on Bush's right flank are preparing to wig out unless they get some kind of Falwell clone onto the court, and one of the journalists used to destroy the career of a CIA operative who worked to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction is cooperating with a prosecutor.

Don't blink this week. You might miss something.

I never blink, but I might miss something during the times some new administration outrage comes out when my eyes roll backwards into my head. It's a reflex.

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