Monday, July 4, 2005

Just this

Came across this from DemVet:

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It's a shame that it takes an unfortunate event like the Mess in Mesopotamia to get the attention of guys who write for the CSM [Christian Science Monitor]. Back in the day, my young enlisted men were working 16+ hours a day on the "roof", and having to get food stamps to provide for their families back home. Pay and allowances for the hardest working and most vulnerable of our troops has long been a sore point with me. No US serviceman should have to resort to living hand-to-mouth, ever while in the service of our country, but yet the politicians who extol their virtues rob them of their pride and dignity with the same breath. And it's still going on, in spades.

If I had a single wish, it would be to educate the members of the military about the voting records of their members of congress on all matters that dealt with their pay and allowances and once a quarter lock them in a room with some of these soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines to explain their votes. In detail, and with no bodyguards. Oh, and hand out the congresscriminal's pay and benefits sheet to each attendee as they arrived in the room.

[. . .]

Hear, hear.

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