Wednesday, July 6, 2005

One of these days, that asshole's gonna get us in real trouble...

From Sisyphus Shrugged via Are You Effin' Kidding Me?

A regional security alliance dominated by Russia and China yesterday demanded the US and its allies in the "war on terror" name a date for the removal of their military bases from central Asia.
Both Moscow and Beijing have their own energy interests in the region, and have shown signs recently of forging a new anti-US alliance.

Sanobar Shermatova, an Uzbek political analyst based in Moscow, said: "There is a growing feeling in central Asia that the Americans are only a source of instability."
You know, what's interesting about that list is how many great and good friends of Our Fearless Leader are on it.

Practically all of them, as a matter of fact.

They represent more than half of the human beings on earth.

And they control a great deal of our trade.

And they've taken over a great deal of our manufacturing.

And they hold our paper.

And they don't particularly like us, now, do they?

And they've gotten together to do something about it.

And our army is tied down in Iraq serving as a training exercise for every wannabe terrorist in the world with a plane ticket -

which the Saudis have historically been good for, and at $60/barrel they can certainly afford it -

and who have lots and lots of lovely explosives that Mr. Rumsfeld's hand-picked generals let them have in case lots for free.

Oh, and bin Laden definitely isn't in Pakistan.


Hawks, take a bow. You guys really did change the balance of power in the world.

Still, if your luck holds, you'll end up standing on top of the rubble, which means you win, right?

I got nothin' to add to that.

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