Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Our Georgie

My governor and his whelp:

"With supreme guts and righteousness, President Bush went into Iraq," Gov. Pataki told the Republican National Convention last August. The place erupted with applause. It was all very stirring.

Almost one year later, Pataki's son Teddy is, with supreme guts and righteousness, seeking a three-year law school deferment from the Marines, which last week commissioned the recent Yale grad as a second lieutenant.

[. . .]

If the cause in Iraq is even half as important as the governor has led us to believe, then surely his son is more needed in Fallujah than in some Cambridge lecture hall. If, on the other hand, the governor no longer considers the war important enough to justify his son's immediate contribution, then he should speak up as loudly as he did in the winter of 2003. Which is it, George?

Enjoy being the sphincter-licking whore you are for another year, George. Look in your rearview mirror. See the guy coming up fast? His name is Eliot Spitzer and your ass is gonna be unemployed.

Link via Skippy.

DemVet has more.

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