Thursday, July 7, 2005

Some Good News on a Sad Day

There will be many posts in the blogosphere today about the bombings in London and Smirky McFlightsuit's response, so I thought a feel-good article about an honest-to-goodness honest politician, a real "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" type might be in order.

Donna Frye has been a lone voice for the average San Diegan on San Diego's City Council. She doesn't live in the back pocket of developers and big-business types like her colleagues. And she's not afraid to piss off the powers-that-be or take an unpopular stand. God love her! Last November, she entered the mayoral race as a write-in candidate five weeks before election day against the incumbant mayor and a Republican fat-cat. She ended up in a run-off with incumbant Mayor Dick Murphy and lost only because the local courts said that, while her name was written on more ballots than those cast for Murphy, some voters forgot to check the "other" box. Disgusting.

San Diego is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, and Mayor Murphy didn't have a clue about how to fix it, so he bailed last spring. Now we're having another mayoral election, and surf-shop owner Frye is again on the ballot. She is a true light in the darkness of American politics, and I hope to goodness that she wins.

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