Friday, July 8, 2005

Who's winning what?


Former enemies Iran and Iraq say they will launch broad military co-operation including training Iraqi armed forces.

"It's a new chapter in our relations with Iraq," said Iranian Defence Minister Admiral Ali Shamkhani.

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This is the first visit to Iran by an Iraqi military delegation since the war, in which a million people died, started.

The promise of co-operation comes despite repeated accusations by the US - which has about 140,000 troops in Iraq - that Iran has been undermining security there.

"No one can prevent us from reaching an agreement," Mr Shamkhani said when asked about possible US opposition.

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Is this what our children are dying in Iraq for? So Iraq can make nice with a member of the 'Axis of Evil'? So the oil city of Basra can become a Shi'ite theocratic city-state? Not that I personally give a shit about whom the Iraqis ally with, were it not for the cost to the American people in lives and capital.

As we learned from the events of yesterday, the 'War on Terra' is a sham. We are not safer, the 'flypaper' theory [we're fighting them in Iraq so they won't come here] was proved wrong, and now the people who we're giving freedom and democracy seem more inclined to accept the friendship of an Islamic theocracy than a Western democracy.

So, what are we doing except wasting time and treasure in the money-pit known as Iraq? We sure as Hell ain't getting cheap oil.

Links via Corrente.

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