Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Yank it

I said a long time ago that we should yank Zell Miller's party memberhsip card. Today via the lovely Jill (buy her cookies) blogging at Skippy's (remember the million hits by tomorrow):

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When this nationally famous figure left the governor's office in 1999, he pocketed more than $60,000 in taxpayer funds earmarked for entertainment and other expenses at the Governor's Mansion, WSB-TV investigative reporter Dale Cardwell revealed last week.

Miller also picked up a check for more than $20,000 for "unused leave"-a sum to which he was not entitled as a constitutional officer, Cardwell also reported.

At first blush, such stuff may sound shockingly sleazy. Bear with us. Miller has an explanation, contained in prepared statements issued through his attorney.

In essence, Miller says that he was technically eligible to take the mansion money as his own because no one said he could not. "When I retired from state government, I received only what I was advised was legal, ethical and traditional," his statement read, citing an attorney general's official opinion from 1969. [Link]

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Miserable, deceitful old bastid. I wish he would have challenged me to a duel instead of that fat moron Matthews.

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