Sunday, September 4, 2005

Bald-Faced Lies

Open letter to Bush from the Times-Picayune:

State Rep. Karen Carter was right Friday when she said the city didn't have but two urgent needs: "Buses! And gas!" Every official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be fired, Director Michael Brown especially.

In a nationally televised interview Thursday night, he said his agency hadn't known until that day that thousands of storm victims were stranded at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. He gave another nationally televised interview the next morning and said, "We've provided food to the people at the Convention Center so that they've gotten at least one, if not two meals, every single day."

Lies don't get more bald-faced than that, Mr. President.

Yet, when you met with Mr. Brown Friday morning, you told him, "You're doing a heck of a job."

That's unbelievable.

I think "unbelieveable" is an apt word for just about everything anyone in this incompetent, corrupt administration ever says.

The letter also pooh-poohs the claim that New Orleans was "unreachable" by relief parties. Go read.

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