Monday, September 26, 2005

Bullshit Artists

Dear Democratic Party Leadership,

Maybe the Republicans are right? Maybe you don't stand for a fucking thing? Maybe all that Peace, Love, and Vietnam did make you a bunch of hugging, cuddling softies? I've about had it with the lot of you. Ah, you talk a good game, but so does the Chimp when his serum levels are up and earpiece is working. Has one of you come right out and called the President a liar? No. Has one of you come out and said the Republican Party is the most corrupt political organization since Tammily Hall? No. So answer me this, what the fuck good are you? Or are you in the Republican pocket too?

You might be the only game in town for us, the progressive community, but that's gonna change. Mark my words. All you are is a buncha bullshit artists. Lotsa talk, very little action. Grow a spine and put the best intersts of this nation first. If you stand up to the Repubs, we'll cover your backs and keep you in office, but if you don't, I'm more than happy to see you go. As of now, not one of you deserves my vote. Get with it or get out, bitches.

The Fixer

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